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Schedule for SQL Saturday 237 in Charlotte

imageThe schedule is posted for SQL Saturday 237 in Charlotte to be held on 10/19/2013 (the day after the PASS Summit concludes).  This BI Edition will have a primary focus on Business Intelligence topics, with some DBA topics as well.  There will be 10 tracks in 5 time slots for a total of 50 sessions (we actually added a track while finalizing the session schedule because we wanted to be able to select more speakers, have more content, and make sure we have enough classroom capacity to hold > 300 attendees).

The topics on the schedule break down into these categories:


What?  You caught that there’s only 48 sessions listed in the chart when I said at the beginning there would be 50?  Got me there.  That just means we might have a surprise or two coming later. 

The levels break down as follows:


The types of speakers breaks down as follows:


All session details can be found here:  http://www.sqlsaturday.com/237/schedule.aspx – Please keep in mind this is the first draft of the schedule, so a few of the time slots are likely to move around a bit before it’s finalized.

If you are able to attend, please register soon!  We already have more than 200 registrations, which is really exciting this far out…so be sure to reserve your spot soon.  If you’re attending PASS Summit, we’d love to see you one more day!  And if you’re near Charlotte and not able to attend Summit, well then, all the more reason to come and join us at SQL Saturday 237!

Any questions?  Send them to SQLSaturday237 at SQLSaturday dot com.