Overview of SSAS Tabular in DirectQuery Mode for SQL Server 2016

How the queries passed from SSAS to the DB engine is very interesting. First, however, let's review the basics of DirectQuery mode in SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). All information is as of RC1 (release candidate 1) for SQL Server 2016.

Two Modes for SSAS Tabular Models

When developing an SSAS Tabular model, you can choose one of two options for handling the underlying data:

In-Memory Mode (aka Imported Mode).  Stores the data in the in-memory model, so all queries are satisfied by the data imported into the Tabular model's storage engine. This requires the model to be processed for updated data to become available for reporting. This mode is conceptually analogous to MOLAP in SSAS multidimensional models (though the SSAS architecture differs significantly).

DirectQuery Mode. Leaves the data in the source and sends the queries to the underlying database. In this case there's no processing and SSAS serves as a semantic model to improve the user experience. This mode is conceptually analogous to ROLAP in SSAS multidimensional models (though there are architectural / implementation differences between DirectQuery and ROLAP).

Note that the entire SSAS Tabular model is specified as one of the two modes.

Use Cases for SSAS Tabular in DirectQuery Mode

Most SSAS Tabular models do run in In-Memory mode. However, there are some specific situations where DirectQuery is a viable option.

Near Real-Time Reporting. Low latency for data availability is the primary use case for DirectQuery. Because there's no processing time associated with populating data in SSAS, there's less delay in making data available. SSAS only compiles and deploys metadata. In this situation, you'll want to plan for how to handle contention of read and write activity.

Large Datasets Which Exceed Memory Available. Another situation to consider DirectQuery is if your server doesn't have enough memory to store all of the data. The rule of thumb for storing data in a Tabular in-memory model is to have 2.5x memory, so if your in-memory model size is 50GB, you would require about 125GB of RAM on the server. Therefore, for large datasets that are difficult to fit in memory, DirectQuery can be appealing. In the absence of model processing, SSAS would have much less CPU and memory demands when running in DirectQuery mode (and conversely, the underlying DB engine needs to be beefier).

Relational Database Highly Tuned for Ad Hoc Queries. If you've invested time creating clustered columnstore indexes, partitions, or other query tuning efforts in the underlying database engine, you may be inclined to utilize the source database for live query activity. In that case, the value of SSAS is the semantic layer (i.e., if you have users connecting to the data source and developing their own reports, it is significantly easier for users to navigate an SSAS model where everything is organized and no joins are required).

Most or All Logic Comes from Underlying Database. Only the most straightforward DAX calculations will be able to convert to SQL. If you tend to pass most everything you need into SSAS from the source database, and your SSAS calculations are simple, you should be able to consider DirectQuery mode. 

Updates to SSAS Tabular in DirectQuery Mode in SQL Server 2016

Improvements to DirectQuery in SQL Server 2016:

  • Performance improvements related the queries that are generated. Queries are less verbose now.
  • Additional relational data sources are now supported. Now the options include including SQL Server, APS (PDW), Oracle, and Teradata.
  • Support for Row-Level Security in the underlying data source, which is a new feature in SQL Server 2016.
  • Calculated columns in the Tabular model are now permitted when in DirectQuery mode. The computation will be pushed down to the database server. 
  • Excel is now available as a tool to use with DirectQuery mode. Prior to SQL Server 2016, Excel couldn't be used since Excel passes MDX rather than DAX. Note that there's still some limitations which are listed here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh230898.aspx.
  • Conversion for some of the time intelligence calculations are now supported.

Other Changes to DirectQuery in SQL Server 2016:

  • Deployed mode (as seen in SSMS rather than SSDT) is now a more 'pure' DirectQuery mode. The options for 'DirectQuerywithInMemory' and 'InMemorywithDirectQuery' appear to be gone. 
  • Sample partitions can be created to be able to see some data inside of the SSDT development environment.

Limitations of DirectQuery in SQL Server 2016:

  • In SSAS Tabular, an entire model is either set to Import (In-Memory) or DirectQuery. This is different from SSAS Multidimensional which allows partitions & dimensions to be set individually. 
  • A single data source is permitted. DirectQuery will not issue cross-database queries.
  • Calculated tables are not supported when the model is in DirectQuery mode. The workaround for this is to import a table multiple times (which is what is typically done to handle role-playing dimensions in a Tabular model).
  • Not all DAX functions can be translated to SQL syntax, so there are some DAX restrictions. More info is here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh213006.aspx.

To take advantage of all of the new improvements, the model must be set to compatibility level 1200.


Finding More Information

MSDN - DirectQuery Mode (SSAS Tabular)

Technical White Paper - Using DirectQuery in the Tabular BI Semantic Model

How to Parameterize a Source Query in SSIS Using Attunity Connector for Oracle

The steps we are going to follow include the following:


The Attunity connector for Oracle used inside of the SSIS data flow looks a little different than the typical OLE DB connector we most commonly use. Specifically, the Attunity source has two options: “Table Name” and “SQL command.” What the Attunity Oracle Source doesn’t have in this dialog box is “SQL command from variable” (like we see for an OLE DB source).

In SSIS, in order to utilize a parameterized query in the data flow source, we typically use a variable that contains the SQL statement and the parameter reference(s). Just because the Attunity Oracle Source dialog box doesn’t show “SQL command from variable” doesn’t mean we can’t get the job done though. It’s just a slightly different process.

Prerequisites: The Attunity connector is already set up in your SSDT environment.

This process references using SQL Server 2012+ and the SSIS project deployment mode.



Step 1. Create a Project Parameter

Since the source query will be parameterized, first we need a place to store this parameter value. The best choice if the value is to be shared across packages is a project-level parameter. You could also use a package-level parameter if it’s not going to be shared across more than one package, and still get the benefit of being able to change the value at runtime if necessary (editing the value at runtime is why we like using a parameter better than a variable for the value of the parameter).

In this example the project parameter is called IncrementalDays_TaskDate which, in our case, means we are going to bring in a 3-day window of time.


Step 2. Create a Variable for the Parameterized Source Query

Here’s a simple query example where I’ve pulled in the project parameter created in step 1. This is inside of the expression builder of a variable. Note that in the expression builder, the text is surrounded by double quotes ( " ) and plus signs ( + ) concatenate the text with the parameterized portion. By clicking the "Evaluate Expression" button, we see the 3 day value as per the value in our project parameter.

Also, double check the EvaluateAsExpression is set to True in the properties of your variable.

Step 3. Add Attunity Source to Data Flow

Add the Oracle Source to the data flow. Next we want to change its data access mode to “SQL command” and add a temporary query (with the same columns as the real query) to get the metadata passed to the SSIS package. Based on the where clause I used, I know that no rows will return but that’s ok -- the purpose here is (a) to make sure Table is *not* selected anymore, and (b) to get the column metadata picked up by SSIS. 

This might seem like somewhat a silly step since it includes a temporary query we won’t keep, but things really worked out more smoothly for me when I didn’t try to skip around it. 

Now we have the pieces in place & we just need to connect up our parameterized query in the variable to the Attunity source so that temporary query gets overwritten by the real one.

Step 4. Set Data Flow Expressions

Click anywhere on the Data Flow canvas (i.e., so the context is not on any single object). The Properties pane should contextually show the Data Flow properties.

Locate the Expressions section in the properties pane. Click the ellipses next to Expressions.

In the Property Expressions Editor, click the drop-down in the Property. Locate the SqlCommand property for your Attunity source (the first part of the name will differ based on what you named it). Set the expression to be your variable. Be careful not to re-type the SQL statement here or anything – we really just want this expression to be a connector between the SQL command in the Attunity source and the variable that’s parameterized.

Step 5. Verify SQL Query Changed in the Attunity Source

Now go back to the Attunity Oracle Source and edit it. Your ‘fake’ SQL query from Step 3 should be replaced with the results of the parameterized one. In the screen shot below how we see the 3-day window of time we originally set in the project parameter. You can click Preview if you like as well, to check the query parses and returns a resultset properly.

At this point, I recommend putting an annotation next to the Attunity source as a reminder that this is parameterized. It’s a little too easy to forget and just edit the source query directly in the SQL window – which will just be overwritten by the expression thus potentially causing a bit of frustration later.

So that’s it. Now you can continue on and finish the package as you normally would. 

Keeping Up With Changes in Data Warehousing, BI and Analytics

At BlueGranite we work with a lot of different customers and varied environments for delivering data warehousing, business intelligence, and analytics solutions. Keeping current with newer approaches, frameworks, and best practices is an extremely important (and enjoyable!) part of what makes us at BlueGranite very good at what we do. 

Along with my good friend and colleague Javier Guillen, we will be conducting a webinar about "Trends in BI and Analytics." We will be chatting about opportunities, challenges, and what works in these areas:

  • Agility
  • Modern Data Warehousing
  • Self-Service BI
  • Hybrid and Cloud Solutions
  • Advanced Analytics

We hope you can join us for the webinar on March 17 at 1pm EST. More information and registration here: http://www.blue-granite.com/webinars.



Getting Started with SQL Server 2016

If you've been thinking there's a ton of new stuff in SQL Server 2016, then you'd be right. It is huge. Here's a brief recap of each of the most valuable features & enhancements that I wrote up over here: http://www.blue-granite.com/sqlserver.

In terms of some hands-on time to play around in an isolated environment, there's an easy way to become acquainted with the new features.

1. Create an Azure Virtual Machine with SQL Server 2016 Image

Create an Azure virtual machine using the template for CTP 3.3 (Update: now RTM as of 6/1/2016). 

A few things to be aware of in this virtual machine:

  • Integration Services, Analysis Services (MD mode), Reporting Services, Data Quality Services, and Master Data Services are installed and running (though not everything is fully configured, such as SSRS).
  • Local NT service accounts are used for each service. If you plan to use this VM in a completely isolated way then it’s ok. Typically, however, we utilize domain-based service accounts.
  • IE Enhanced Security Configuration is on. If you intend to do the next step from within the VM, you'll want to turn it off in Server Manager. (My VM will only be for testing purposes, and will only contain sample data, so I'm less concerned about this than with a normal environment.)
  • Both data and log are defaulted to F: drive (which is the only data drive), and TempDB is on the C: drive. Since this is just a temporary environment for learning purposes, for it's ok that it doesn't follow best practices regarding use of physical drives. 

Overall, the objective with the VM is to test out features, but not evaluate performance aspects.

When the VM has been created, you can connect to it through RDP session (or from your local SSMS client):


2. Restore Sample Databases

There are AdventureWorks sample databases available which already have some new features implemented such as Always Encrypted, Row Level Security, Dynamic Data Masking, etc. You can find these 2016 sample DBs here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49502 .

There are three items to be downloaded: Two relational DBs, and a zip file of samples.


Within Management Studio, you want to restore these backup files to the SQL Server instance running in the virtual machine via the GUI or T-SQL, whichever you prefer. 


As an alternative to AdventureWorks, you can download the new Worldwide Importers Inc samples which are available here:  https://github.com/Microsoft/sql-server-samples/releases/tag/wide-world-importers-v0.1.

3. Work with the Samples

Now we’ve arrived at the fun part. The zip file that came with the AdventureWorks samples contains the following samples:

  • Advanced Analytics (R Services)
  • Always Encrypted
  • Data Masking
  • In-Memory Analytics
  • In-Memory OLTP
  • JSON
  • Polybase
  • Query Store
  • Row-Level Security
  • Stretch DB
  • Temporal

The ReadMe.txt file refers you to which file is the starting point within each subfolder:

For example, here’s the items in the Advanced Analytics:

As you can see, the samples are a great way to begin getting familiar with the new features very quickly.

One final comment: Don’t forget to stop your VM when you are finished to avoid incurring charges. You can also use Azure Automation to stop one or more VMs at a scheduled time. I wrote a bit about that here:  How to Stop an Azure VM on a Schedule.


The VM comes with Analysis Services in multidimensional mode installed. If you want to install tabular mode, or another feature, you can find the setup.exe file to run SQL Server setup located at C:\SQLServer_13.0_Full within the VM.

Finding More Information

BlueGranite - Overview of SQL Server 2016 Features

MSDN - SQL Server 2016 Technical Documentation