Why the Default Summarization Property in Power BI is So Important

This post describes an issue I ran into this week on a project. If the Default Summarization settings in your data model are not correct, it results in wrong data being displayed, or even missing data, on your report.

This post is based on Power BI Desktop as of mid November 2017. The concept also is applicable to Tabular models in Azure Analysis Services and SQL Server Analysis Services. 

Let's say I have a small table of data:


By default, Power BI detects numeric columns and sets the summarization property to sum (or count). We can tell this by the sigma symbol next to YearNbr and SalespersonDept, and the Default Summarization property for the column:


What you really want to do is set both SalespersonDept and YearNbr to "Don't summarize" as shown here:


Let me explain why setting this summarization property is so very important.  

Summarization Behavior on the Report Canvas

Since Bob has 4 rows of data, when we put this data on the canvas, the SalespersonDept and YearNbr sum themselves up. If you don't know the data well enough you might not even notice these are bogus number (especially SalespersonDept in our example). So, not only is the data being displayed incorrectly, you can also waste some time trying to test or cross-reference SalespersonDept 4004 because it doesn't exist.


Now, you might say to me that it's an annoyance and you can fix it in the visual. Of course you can, but do you want to have to fix it on *every* visual you create? What if you don't catch the fact that SalespersonDept is a bogus number? So if that doesn't convince you to set the summarization property on the dataset, I'll bet this next reason will...

Summarization Behavior in Visual Filters

Let's say I add a visual filter on my table because I only want to show Bob's rows of data. Bob is SalespersonNbr 1001. However, the visual filter does not return any rows of data for 1001 -- the only way it finds data is if we search on the bogus *aggregated* value for SalespersonNbr 4004 (which is 1001 * 4 rows of data):

PBISum_visual filter.png

Not a good user experience, right? So the message here is that the visual level filters are applied *after* the data aggregation occurs within the individual table or chart. Note that slicers, page filters, and report filters don't behave this same way--they each return the correct data based on SalespersonDept 1001 because they filter before summarization. It's just visual level filters that are applied after the data aggregation occurs in the visual (thanks to Javier Guillen for confirming I wasn't crazy!).

Options for Resolving Aggregation Issues

First choice: Solve this in the underlying data storage. For instance, if you have a data warehouse SalespersonDept should be a varchar(4) instead of an integer. With this choice, no downstream reporting tool whatsoever will try to aggregate columns like SalespersonDept or YearNbr because the column will be detected as text by Power BI. Of course, we live in the real world and this can't be done unless we're creating a brand new source database. Which brings us to...

Second choice (shown in this post): Set the summarization setting in the data model correctly for every column in every table. Another way is to set the data type to text. The dataset serves as our semantic layer, so by setting this in the data model then each report visual can take advantage of this setting. This is the most common way of handling the issue.

Third choice (worst choice): Your last choice is to change the aggregation in every individual visual. This is risky because what if you forget? Or what if someone new creates a new report and doesn't know? So, don't do this please. The previous choice of handling in the data model is a much more sound practice.

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From time to time I publish on the BlueGranite team blog. My newest post is a decision tree about whether or not Azure SQL Data Warehouse is a good fit.

In Azure you have several technology choices for where to implement a data warehouse. Since Azure SQL DW is an MPP (massively parallel processing) platform, it's only appropriate in certain circumstances. Hopefully the decision tree can help educate people on the best use cases and situations for Azure SQL DW, and prevent making the wrong technology choice which leads to performance issues down the road.

Please head on over to the BlueGranite site to check out the post.  <—Updated for Jan 2019 revisions

Two Ways to Approach Federated Queries with U-SQL and Azure Data Lake Analytics

Did you know there are two ways to do federated queries with Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA)? By federated queries, I mean a query that combines (federates) data from multiple sources -- in this case, from within Azure Data Lake and another data store. Federated queries are one aspect of data virtualization which helps us to access data without requiring the physical movement of data or data integration:


The two methods for federated queries with U-SQL and ADLA are:

  1. Schema-less (aka "lazy metadata")
  2. Via a pre-defined schema via an external table

You might be familiar with external tables in SQL Server, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, or APS. In those platforms, external tables work with PolyBase for purposes of querying data where it lives elsewhere, often for the purpose of loading it into the relational database. That same premise exists in Azure Data Lake Analytics as well. However, in the data lake there's two approaches - an external table is still a good idea most of the time but it isn't absolutely required.

Option 1: Schema-Less

Following are the components of making schema-less federated queries work in ADLA:


Pros of the schema-less option:

  • Access the data quickly for exploration without requiring an external table to be defined in the ADLA Catalog
  • More closely aligned to a schema-on-read paradigm because of its flexibility 
  • Query flexibility: can retrieve a subset of columns without having to define all the columns

Cons of the schema-less option:

  • Additional "burden" on the data analyst doing the ad hoc querying with U-SQL to always perform the schema-on-read within the query
  • Repeating the same schema-on-read syntax in numerous U-SQL queries, rather than reusing the definition via an external table -- so if the source system table or view changes, it could involve altering numerous U-SQL scripts.
  • Requires a rowset in the U-SQL schema-on-read queries - i.e., cannot do a direct join so this approach involves slightly longer, more complex syntax

Option 2: With a Pre-Defined Schema in an External Table

The following introduces an external table to the picture in order to enforce a schema:


Pros of using an external table:

  • Most efficient on the data analyst doing the ad hoc querying with U-SQL
  • Easier, shorter syntax on the query side because columns and data types have already been predefined in the ADLA Catalog, so a direct join to an external table can be used in the query without having to define a rowset
  • Only one external table to change if a modification does occur to the underlying SQL table

Cons of using an external table:

  • Schema must remain consistent - a downstream U-SQL query will error if a new column is added to the remote source and the external table has not been kept in sync
  • All remote columns must be defined in the external table (not necessarily a big con - but definitely important to know)

In summary, the schema-less approach is most appropriate for initial data exploration because of the freedom and flexibility. An external table is better suited for ongoing, routine queries in which the SQL side is stable and unchanging. Solutions which have been operationalized and promoted to production will typically warrant an external table. 

Want to Know More?

During my all-day workshop, we set up each piece step by step including the the service principal, credential, data source, external table, and so forth so you can see the whole thing in action. The next workshop is in Raleigh, NC on April 13, 2018

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Running U-SQL on a Schedule with Azure Data Factory to Populate Azure Data Lake

This post is a continuation of the blog where I discussed using U-SQL to standardize JSON input files which vary in format from file to file, into a consistent standardized CSV format that's easier to work with downstream. Now let's talk about how to make this happen on a schedule with Azure Data Factory (ADF).

This was all done with Version 1 of ADF. I have not tested this yet with the ADF V2 Preview which was just released.


  1. Steps 1-4 from my previous post, which includes registering the custom JSON assemblies, creating a database in the Azure Data Lake Catalog, and uploading our raw file so it's ready to use.
  2. An Azure Data Factory service provisioned and ready to use (this post reflects ADF V1), along with some basic knowledge about ADF since I'm not going into ADF details in this post.

Summary of Steps

  1. Create a procedure in the ADL catalog
  2. Test the procedure
  3. Create a service principal (aka AAD App)  [one time setup]
  4. Assign permissions to service principal  [one time setup]
  5. Obtain IDs [one time setup]
  6. Create ADF components
  7. Verify success of ADF job

Step 1: Create a Procedure in the ADLA Catalog Which Will Be Executed By ADF

This ADLA procedure will be executed by Azure Data Factory. Alternatively, you could also reference a U-SQL script in Azure Storage if you prefer storing a script file there (at the time of this writing, we cannot yet store a script file in ADLS). Either way, U-SQL scripts are typically just too long to practically embed in the Azure Data Factory pipeline activity. In addition to what was discussed in the first part of this solution, we want this stored procedure to:

  • Reference 'external' variables which will be populated by the ADF time slices (in our case, the time slice is daily)
  • Apply the ADF time slices to the 'where' predicate
  • Use variables to create a "smart" output file path & name which allows the standardized output partitioning to match the raw data partitioning by year/month/day

Run the following U-SQL (Azure Data Lake Analytics) job:

CREATE PROCEDURE BankingADLDB.dbo.uspCreateStandardizedDataset(@DateSliceStart DateTime, @DateSliceEnd DateTime)

REFERENCE ASSEMBLY BankingADLDB.[Newtonsoft.Json];
REFERENCE ASSEMBLY BankingADLDB.[Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats]; 

USING Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Json;

//These external parameters will be populated by ADF based on the time slice being executed.
DECLARE EXTERNAL @DateSliceStart DateTime =System.DateTime.Parse("2017/03/14");
DECLARE EXTERNAL @DateSliceEnd DateTime =System.DateTime.Parse("2017/03/14");

//These are intermediary variables which inherit the time element from the ADF time slice.
DECLARE @YearNbr int = @DateSliceStart.Year;
DECLARE @MonthNbr int = @DateSliceStart.Month;
DECLARE @DayNbr int = @DateSliceStart.Day;

//These are used to align the Year/Month/Day partitioning of the input & output.
//This technique also allows U-SQL to dynamically generate different output file path & name.
DECLARE @YearString string = @YearNbr.ToString();
DECLARE @MonthString string = @MonthNbr.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
DECLARE @DayString string = @DayNbr.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

DECLARE @InputPath = "/ATMMachineData/RawData/" + @YearString + "/" + @MonthString + "/{filename}.json";

DECLARE @OutputFile string = "/ATMMachineData/StandardizedData/" + @YearString + "/" + @MonthString + "/" + @YearString + @MonthString + @DayString + ".csv";

@RawData = 
 [AID] string
,[Timestamp] DateTime
,[Data] string
,date DateTime//virtual column
,filename string//virtual column 
FROM @InputPath
USING new JsonExtractor();

@CreateJSONTuple = 
 [AID] AS AssignedID
,[Timestamp] AS TimestampUtc
,JsonFunctions.JsonTuple([Data]) AS EventData 
FROM @RawData
WHERE [Timestamp] >= @DateSliceStart
AND [Timestamp] <@DateSliceEnd;

@Dataset =
,EventData["Val"] ?? "0" AS DataValue
,EventData["PrevVal"] ?? "0" AS PreviousDataValue
,EventData["Descr"] ?? "N/A" AS Description
FROM @CreateJSONTuple;

OUTPUT @Dataset
TO @OutputFile
USING Outputters.Csv(outputHeader:true,quoting:false);



Step 2: Test the ADLA Procedure Works

Before we invoke it with ADF, let's double check our new procedure is working ok. Run the following U-SQL job in ADLA to call the procedure & use 3/14/2017 as the variable values (which matches the timestamp of our original source file):

BankingADLDB.dbo.uspCreateStandardizedDataset(System.DateTime.Parse("2017/03/14"), System.DateTime.Parse("2017/03/15"));

Verify the output is created via Data Explorer. Note the procedure will create the folder structure as well as the file based on the @OutputFile parameter value. After you have confirmed that it worked, go ahead & delete the output file ATMMachineData\StandardizedData\2017\03\20170314.csv so we can be certain later when it's been generated with ADF.


Step 3: Create a Service Principal For Use by ADF When it Executes U-SQL

You can authenticate using your own credentials in ADF, but they'll expire pretty quick -- so although that technique is fast and easy for testing, personal credentials won't work for ongoing scheduling. Therefore, we'll set this up using a service principal so you get started on the right foot. This is easiest in PowerShell (though you can also do this in the Azure portal if you prefer, in the Azure Active Directory menu > App Registrations page).

#Input Area
$subscriptionName = '<YourSubscriptionNameHere>'
$aadSvcPrinAppDisplayName = 'ADF ReadWrite Access To ADL - Svc Prin - Dev'
$aadSvcPrinAppHomePage = 'http://ADFReadWriteAccessToADLDev'
$aadSvcPrinAppIdentifierUri = 'https://url.com/ADFReadWriteAccessToADLDev'
$aadSvcPrinAppPassword = '<YourComplicatedPWForAppRegistration>' 


#Manual login into Azure
Login-AzureRmAccount -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName


#Create Service Principal (App Registration):
$aadSvcPrinApplicationDev = New-AzureRmADApplication `
 -DisplayName $aadSvcPrinAppDisplayName `
 -HomePage $aadSvcPrinAppHomePage `
 -IdentifierUris $aadSvcPrinAppIdentifierUri `
 -Password $aadSvcPrinAppPassword

New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $aadSvcPrinApplicationDev.ApplicationId

In AAD, it should look like this:


I put "Dev" in the suffix of mine because I typically create separate service principals for each environment (Dev, Test, Prod). It's also frequently a good idea to create separate registrations for Read/Write vs. just Read permissions.

Step 4: Assign Permissions to the Service Principal So It Can Read and Write Via the ADF Job

For this step we'll use the portal instead of PowerShell. You can do this piece in PowerShell as well if you prefer using the Set-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemAclEntry cmdlet - you'll also need to make sure the Azure Data Lake provider is registered. To keep this fast & easy, let's just use the portal.

Security for Azure Data Lake Store

The first piece is referred to as ACLs - access control lists. Go to Data Explorer in ADLS. Make sure you're on the root folder and select Access (or if you want to define permissions at a sub-foldere level only, it's ok to start from that level). Choose Add.


Select User or Group: choose the ADF service principal we just created. 

Select Permissions: This account needs to read, write, and execute. Note the radio button selections as well so that existing and new child objects will be assigned this permission.


As soon as you hit ok, notice the message at the top of the page. Make sure not to close the blade while it's assigning the permissions to the child objects:


When you see that it's finished (with the green check mark), then it's ok to close the blade:


Security for Azure Data Lake Analytics

The second piece of security needed for our service principal is done over in Azure Data Lake Analytics, so that it's allowed to run U-SQL:


Note that the equivalent IAM (Identity & Access Mgmt) permissions for our service principal don't need to be assigned over in ADLS - just ADLA. Normally that step would be needed for a regular user though. There's actually a *lot* more to know about security with Azure Data Lake that I'm not going into here. 

Step 5: Obtain IDs Needed for Azure Data Factory

AAD Application ID

Go find the Application ID for your new service principal and copy it so you have it:


Tenant ID (aka Directory ID)

Also find your Tenant ID that's associated with Azure Active Directory:


Subscription ID

And, lastly, find the Subscription ID where you've provisioned ADL and ADF:


Step 6: Create Azure Data Factory Components

The following ADF scripts include two linked services, two datasets, and one pipeline. 

In both linked services you will need to replace several things (as well as the account name and resource group name). Also, be sure NOT to hit the authorize button if you're creating the linked services directly in the portal interface (it's actually a much better idea to use Visual Studio because all of these files can be source-controlled and you can use configuration files to direct deployments to Dev, Test, and Prod which have different values for IDs, keys, etc). You may also want to change the linked services names - mine is called lsBankingADLA (or S) to coincide with what my actual services are called -- but without the Dev, Test, Prod suffix that they have for real (because we need to propagate the linked services without changing the names).

Linked Service for Azure Data Lake Analytics

"name": "lsBankingADLA",
"properties": {
"type": "AzureDataLakeAnalytics",
"typeProperties": {
"accountName": "<YourADLAName>",
"dataLakeAnalyticsUri": "azuredatalakeanalytics.net",
"servicePrincipalId": "<YourApplicationIDForTheServicePrincipal>",
"servicePrincipalKey": "<YourComplicatedPWForAppRegistration>",
"tenant": "<YourAADDirectoryID>",
"subscriptionId": "<YourSubscriptionID>",
"resourceGroupName": "<YourResourceGroupWhereADLAResides>"

Linked Service for Azure Data Lake Store

"name": "lsBankingADLS",
"properties": {
"type": "AzureDataLakeStore",
"typeProperties": {
"dataLakeStoreUri": "adl://<YourADLSName>.azuredatalakestore.net/",
"servicePrincipalId": "<YourApplicationIDForTheServicePrincipal>",
"servicePrincipalKey": "<YourComplicatedPWForAppRegistration>",
"tenant": "<YourAADDirectoryID>",
"subscriptionId": "<YourSubscriptionID>",
"resourceGroupName": "<YourResourceGroupWhereADLSResides>"

Dataset for the Raw JSON Data 

"name": "dsBankingADLSRawData",
"properties": {
"published": false,
"type": "AzureDataLakeStore",
"linkedServiceName": "lsBankingADLS",
"typeProperties": {
"fileName": "{year}/{month}/{day}.json",
"folderPath": "ATMMachineData/RawData/",
"format": {
"type": "JsonFormat"
"partitionedBy": [
"name": "year",
"value": {
"type": "DateTime",
"date": "SliceStart",
"format": "yyyy"
"name": "month",
"value": {
"type": "DateTime",
"date": "SliceStart",
"format": "MM"
"name": "day",
"value": {
"type": "DateTime",
"date": "SliceStart",
"format": "dd"
"availability": {
"frequency": "Day",
"interval": 1
"external": true,
"policy": {}

Dataset for the Standardized CSV Data

"name": "dsBankingADLSStandardizedData",
"properties": {
"published": false,
"type": "AzureDataLakeStore",
"linkedServiceName": "lsBankingADLS",
"typeProperties": {
"fileName": "SpecifiedInTheUSQLProcedure.csv",
"folderPath": "ATMMachineData/StandardizedData/{year}/{month}",
"format": {
"type": "TextFormat",
"columnDelimiter": ",",
"nullValue": "N/A",
"firstRowAsHeader": true
"partitionedBy": [
"name": "year",
"value": {
"type": "DateTime",
"date": "SliceStart",
"format": "yyyy"
"name": "month",
"value": {
"type": "DateTime",
"date": "SliceStart",
"format": "MM"
"availability": {
"frequency": "Day",
"interval": 1,
"anchorDateTime": "2017-03-14T00:00:00Z"

Pipeline with U-SQL Activity to Run the Procedure in ADLA 

"name": "plStandardizeBankingData",
"properties": {
"description": "Standardize JSON data into CSV, with friendly column names & consistent output for all event types. Creates one output (standardized) file per day.",
"activities": [
"type": "DataLakeAnalyticsU-SQL",
"typeProperties": {
"script": "BankingADLDB.dbo.uspCreateStandardizedDataset(System.DateTime.Parse(@DateSliceStart), System.DateTime.Parse(@DateSliceEnd));",
"degreeOfParallelism": 30,
"priority": 100,
"parameters": {
"DateSliceStart": "$$Text.Format('{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ}', SliceStart)",
"DateSliceEnd": "$$Text.Format('{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ}', SliceEnd)"
"inputs": [
"name": "dsBankingADLSRawData"
"outputs": [
"name": "dsBankingADLSStandardizedData"
"policy": {
"timeout": "06:00:00",
"concurrency": 10,
"executionPriorityOrder": "NewestFirst"
"scheduler": {
"frequency": "Day",
"interval": 1,
"anchorDateTime": "2017-03-14T00:00:00Z"
"name": "acStandardizeBankingData",
"linkedServiceName": "lsBankingADLA"
"start": "2017-03-14T00:00:00Z",
"end": "2017-03-15T00:00:00Z",
"isPaused": false,
"pipelineMode": "Scheduled"

A few comments about the pipeline:


Once all 5 components are deployed, they should look like this:


Step 7: Verify Success of ADF Job

We can verify the ADF job succeeded by looking at the Monitor & Manage App (note you'll have to set the start time back to March 2017 for it to actually show any activity windows):


We can also see in the ADLA Job Management area that an ADF job was executed (it very kindly prefixes jobs run by Data Factory with ADF):


Whew. That's it. This same technique will continue to work with various files across dates (though I kept it to just one input file to keep this already-super-duper-long-post as straightforward as possible).

Want to Know More?

My next all-day workshop on Architecting a Data Lake is in Raleigh, NC on April 13, 2018

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